Shiseido IHADA Protective Face Balm for Sensitive Skin 資生堂抗敏保濕護理面霜 18g
Shiseido IHADA Protective Face Balm for Sensitive Skin 資生堂抗敏保濕護理面霜 18g
Shiseido IHADA Protective Face Balm for Sensitive Skin 資生堂抗敏保濕護理面霜 18g
Shiseido IHADA Protective Face Balm for Sensitive Skin 資生堂抗敏保濕護理面霜 18g
Shiseido IHADA Protective Face Balm for Sensitive Skin 資生堂抗敏保濕護理面霜 18g

Shiseido IHADA Protective Face Balm for Sensitive Skin 資生堂抗敏保濕護理面霜 18g

Regular price$25.22

- 高度精煉凡士林與能對抗肌膚粗糙的有效成分可以預防乾燥等肌膚問題
- 產品能在人體肌膚上化開並滑順地延展,緊密附著於肌膚
- 是一款擁有嶄新觸感,不會黏膩的藥用乳霜。而且可抑制黑色素生成、預防斑點、雀斑、痤瘡和容易變紅的粗糙皮膚的處方。
- 藥用配方,融入肌膚,順滑塗抹,不粘膩,感覺像新鮮的美容霜,抑制黑色素生成,預防斑點和雀斑,預防粉刺和容易變紅的粗糙皮膚。
- 融入肌膚,順滑塗抹,不黏膩,感覺像清新的美容霜,四季皆可使用。
- 它具有“低過敏性設計”,適合容易敏感,及舒緩每天配戴口罩所產生的摩擦感
- 低刺激設計,敏感肌的人也能每天使用。

* 弱酸性、無香料、無色素、無酒精(乙醇)、無防腐劑(防腐劑)


- Highly refined petroleum jelly and active ingredients that can combat rough skin can prevent dryness and other skin problems
- The product can melt on human skin and spread smoothly, tightly adhering to the skin
- It is a medicinal cream with a new touch and is not sticky. It is also a prescription that inhibits melanin production and prevents spots, freckles, acne and rough skin that easily turns red.
- Medicinal formula, blends into the skin, applies smoothly, is not sticky, feels like a fresh beauty cream, inhibits melanin production, prevents spots and freckles, prevents acne and rough skin that easily turns red.
- Blends into the skin and applies smoothly without stickiness. It feels like a fresh beauty cream and can be used in all seasons.
- It has a "hypoallergenic design", which is suitable for people with sensitive skin and relieves the friction caused by wearing masks every day. - It has a low-irritation design, so people with sensitive skin can use it every day.

*Weakly acidic, no fragrance, no coloring, no alcohol (ethanol), no preservatives (preservatives)

Cream has the highest effect of protecting the surface of the skin. It can lock the previously used lotion and lotion ingredients inside the skin, allowing the effect to be maximized. It can also be spread on human skin and has excellent ductility, so it can be taken in small amounts in batches. 

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