Kotex Antibacterial Liners 高潔絲 䓍本抑菌透氣護墊 17.5cm 44pcs

Kotex Antibacterial Liners 高潔絲 䓍本抑菌透氣護墊 17.5cm 44pcs

Regular price$9.00

-薈萃柑橘、百里香、豆蔻天然草本及海洋抑菌精華,高效抑制細菌達 99%


普通 -  適用於分泌量一般的日子

Natural herbs antibacterial 99%
-Contains citrus, thyme, cardamom natural herbs and marine antibacterial essence, effectively inhibiting bacteria up to 99%

Light herbal fragrance
-Helps drive away odors and feels comfortable

Meet different needs
Normal - Suitable for days with normal secretion

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