Shiseido Senka Perfect Whip VitC Poreless Glow Face Wash 資生堂超微米毛孔淨化潔顏乳 100g

Shiseido Senka Perfect Whip VitC Poreless Glow Face Wash 資生堂超微米毛孔淨化潔顏乳 100g

Regular price$7.97

- 緊緻毛孔,持續使用幫助改善毛孔粗大
- 有效幫助減少黑頭粉刺,使肌膚明亮光滑
- 無添加礦物油,防腐劑paraben
- 溫和配方,經皮膚科專家測試;洗後肌膚維持健康平衡狀態
- 清新柚子味

- Tightens pores, continuous use helps improve enlarged pores
- Effectively helps reduce blackheads, making skin bright and smooth
- No added mineral oil, preservatives paraben
- Mild formula, tested by dermatologists; after washing, the skin is maintained in a healthy and balanced state
- Fresh Yuzu scent

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