Vella Prestige Wrinkle Free Neck Patch 青春緊緻蛇毒保濕頸膜 5pcs
Vella Prestige Wrinkle Free Neck Patch 青春緊緻蛇毒保濕頸膜 5pcs
Vella Prestige Wrinkle Free Neck Patch 青春緊緻蛇毒保濕頸膜 5pcs

Vella Prestige Wrinkle Free Neck Patch 青春緊緻蛇毒保濕頸膜 5pcs

Regular price$20.80

- 擊退頸紋、保濕、提拉、抗皺、美白
- 減淡細紋:蘊含SYN-AKE蛇毒、BEE VENOM蜂毒及VolufilineTM,有助撫平紋理、提升彈性,令肌膚回復嫩滑。
- 滋潤修護:集中性護理,呵護嬌嫩的頸部肌膚,均勻膚色,變得更彈潤飽滿。
- 專利材質:專利(STSH)技術凝膠膜材質,感應肌膚溫度,將有效成分導入肌膚底層,並通過皮膚刺激測試。
Small iron for smoothing neck lines
- Reduce neck lines, moisturize, lifting, anti-wrinkle, brightening
- Reduce fine lines: Contains SYN-AKE snake venom, BEE VENOM bee venom and VolufilineTM, which can help smooth texture, improve elasticity, and restore skin's tenderness and smoothness.
- Moisturizing and repairing: Intensive care takes care of the delicate neck skin, evens skin tone, and makes it more elastic and plump.
- Patented material: Patented (STSH) technology gel film material, which senses skin temperature, introduces active ingredients into the bottom layer of the skin, and passes skin irritation testing.

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