Biore Izu Jasmine Body Foam 香港碧柔素肌沐浴乳【伊豆茉莉香】1000ml
Regular price$12.39
防菌保濕型:弱酸性配方,防菌後並保持肌膚水潤柔嫩。 伊豆茉莉香:輕柔清新花香,倍感潔淨放鬆,釋放一天疲累,身心回復最舒服狀態。
Anti-bacterial moisturizing with weak acid formula, after anti-bacterial, keep skin moist and soft. Izu Jasmine Fragrance: Gentle and fresh floral fragrance, feeling clean and relaxed, releases the tiredness of the day, and restores the body and mind .
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