LOSHI Horse Oil Body Wash 馬油高保濕沐浴露 450ml
Regular price$10.62
日本油 x 氨基酸組合!
● 含8種胺基酸強化肌膚角質層,溫和呵護受紫外線刺激的肌膚。
● 使用日本油和馬油的油包體香皂,可保持滋潤。
Get moisturized skin with rich horse oil! Keeps skin moisturized after bathing!
Japanese oil x amino acid combination!
● Contains 8 kinds of amino acids to strengthen the skin's stratum corneum and gently protect skin stimulated by ultraviolet rays.
● Oil-infused body soap using Japanese oil and horse oil to keep you moisturized.
This product is not included in the flat rate shipping price.