
Men's Biore Charcoal x Detox Scrub Acne Facial Foam 花王碧柔男士10倍炭控油淨化暗瘡洗面膏 100g

Regular price$13.72

- 10倍炭高效控油淨化配方
・微米級的淨化磨砂- 日本研發
- 微細至微米級磨砂更能深入清除積聚於毛孔的細菌污垢,深層淨化,徹底潔淨
- 強力去油脂,長效抗油光
- 竹炭表面吸油孔洞面積為木炭10倍
- 獨有暗瘡護理配方,有效舒緩及護理暗瘡,同時更可潔淨多餘油脂污垢,預防因油脂污垢阻塞毛孔而引起的暗瘡問題。持續使用,有助擊退痘印!

- 10 times charcoal high-efficiency oil control and purification formula
・Micro-level purification scrub - developed in Japan
- Fine to micron-scale scrub can deeply remove the bacteria and dirt accumulated in the pores, deep purification, and thorough cleansing
・10 times charcoal* oil absorption
- Strong degreasing, long-lasting anti-greasy
- The area of ​​oil-absorbing pores on the surface of bamboo charcoal is 10 times that of charcoal
- The unique acne care formula can effectively relieve and care for acne, and at the same time, it can clean excess oil and dirt, and prevent acne problems caused by oil and dirt clogging pores. Continual use will help to fight off acne scars!

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