Hada Labo Koi-Gokujyun Hydrating Jelly 肌研濃極潤透明質酸冷感凝膠 180ml
Hada Labo Koi-Gokujyun Hydrating Jelly 肌研濃極潤透明質酸冷感凝膠 180ml

Hada Labo Koi-Gokujyun Hydrating Jelly 肌研濃極潤透明質酸冷感凝膠 180ml

Regular price$23.45

1. 一種啫喱狀的保濕霜,可以像乳液一樣使用。包含油囊型透明質酸和5種透明質酸。因此,具有豐富滋潤感的凝膠讓肌膚放鬆,可以輕易吸收而不粘膩,並向角質層底層輸送水分同時鎖緊。
2. 與健康的裸肌一樣弱酸性。無香・無色・無酒精(乙醇),性質溫和。
3. 一次過作<爽膚水+乳液+美容精華+面膜>使用,因此您可以在早上和晚上洗臉後,只需一支便完成肌膚護理。建議可於乾燥的部位上厚塗,亦可以與其他護膚品一起使用。

1. A gel-like moisturizer that can be applied like a lotion. Contains oil capsule type hyaluronic acid and 5 types of hyaluronic acid. Therefore, the gel with a rich moisturizing feeling relaxes the skin, absorbs easily without stickiness, and delivers moisture to the bottom layer of the stratum corneum while locking it in.
2. As weakly acidic as healthy naked muscle. Fragrance-free, colorless, alcohol-free (ethanol), mild in nature.
3. It can be used as <toner+emulsion+beauty essence+mask> in one go, so you can complete skin care with just one after washing your face in the morning and evening. It is recommended to apply thickly on dry areas, or use it with other skin care products.

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