Two Girls Living Rose Face Cream 雙妹嚜雪花膏 40g

Two Girls Living Rose Face Cream 雙妹嚜雪花膏 40g

Regular price$10.18

有名雙妹嚜四大皇牌 — 雪花膏除了可在皮膚表層形成天然保護膜,補充肌膚天然水份外;亦對嬰兒尿疹及奶癬,特別具有明顯功效。適合任何年齡人士使用。

In addition to forming a natural protective film on the surface of the skin and supplementing the natural moisture of the skin, the cream also has obvious effects on infant diaper rash and milk ringworm. Suitable for people of any age.

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