Dettol Gold Anti Bacterial Body Wash 滴露金裝沐浴露 950g

Dettol Gold Anti Bacterial Body Wash 滴露金裝沐浴露 950g

Regular price$15.93

全新滴露金裝沐浴露革命性柔金配方, 全面保護肌膚原質感,100%更佳防菌*,幫助你和你的家人對抗以下疾病: 皮膚感染、呼吸道感染(流感)、腸胃炎(如沙門氏菌和大腸桿菌)

The new Dettol Gold Shower Gel has a revolutionary soft gold formula that fully protects the original texture of the skin and is 100% better anti-bacterial*, helping you and your family fight against the following diseases: skin infections, respiratory infections (flu), gastroenteritis (such as Salmonella and E. coli)

This product is not included in the flat rate shipping price.

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