Dove Sensitive Skin Body Wash 多芬 舒敏溫和 柔膚沐浴露 900g

Dove Sensitive Skin Body Wash 多芬 舒敏溫和 柔膚沐浴露 900g

Regular price$12.39


microbiome gentle™技術融入肌膚益生元,幫助肌膚修護,強化保濕屏障,有效鎖住肌膚原有滋潤成分

無添加 Parabens 防腐劑、皂鹼*、酒精、合成色料



Suitable for sensitive skin, gentle cleansing, soothing and caring^

microbiome gentle™ technology integrates prebiotics into the skin to help repair the skin, strengthen the moisturizing barrier, and effectively lock in the skin’s original moisturizing ingredients

No added parabens, soap base*, alcohol, synthetic colorants

24-hour long-lasting moisturizing test+
Neutral pH, gentle and skin-friendly
Brand recommended by American dermatologists#

Soothes skin sensitivity caused by dryness
This product does not contain alkaline substances remaining due to soap flower reaction

This product is not included in the flat rate shipping price

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