GATSBY Perfect Scrub Facial Wash 男士完美磨砂洗面膏 130g

GATSBY Perfect Scrub Facial Wash 男士完美磨砂洗面膏 130g

Regular price$9.03

- 徹底清除污垢,均勻粗糙肌膚,肌膚清爽!
- 大小功率磨砂膏可去除皮膚表面的污垢和粗糙度。
- 磨砂膏會分解成小塊,甚至刮掉毛孔中的頑固污垢。
- 含有混合膨潤土和脫脂米糠,具有高油脂和污垢吸附效果。
- 採用 100% 天然清潔成分配製而成。
- 清涼感強,具有提神醒腦的功效。

    - Thoroughly removes dirt, evens rough skin and leaves the skin refreshed!
    - Large and small power scrubs remove dirt and roughness on the skin surface.
    - Scrub breaks into small pieces and scrapes out even stubborn dirt in pores.
    - Contains Blended Bentonite and Defatted Rice Bran with high oil and dirt adsorption effect.
    - Formulated with 100% naturally derived cleaning ingredients.
    - Strong cooling sensation with refreshing effect.

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