LITS Revival Stem7 Cream 植物幹細胞 植物萃取彈力精華霜 50g
LITS Revival Stem7 Cream 植物幹細胞 植物萃取彈力精華霜 50g
LITS Revival Stem7 Cream 植物幹細胞 植物萃取彈力精華霜 50g

LITS Revival Stem7 Cream 植物幹細胞 植物萃取彈力精華霜 50g

Regular price$63.72

- 含有 7 種植物幹細胞衍生成分,呵護老化肌膚。
- 它補充了隨著年齡增長而容易缺乏的水分和油脂含量,賦予肌膚柔軟感,同時帶來充滿彈性的清爽滋潤肌膚。
- 由含有植物幹細胞衍生成分的膠囊配製而成。
- 適合那些追求保濕、緊緻、彈性、光澤、質地、調理皮膚和光滑度的人。
- 不含6款添加劑: 酒精,色素,防腐劑,合成香料,礦物油,石油基界面活性劑

- 浪漫木香(不含合成香料)。

- Formulated with 7 plant stem cell-derived ingredients to care for aging skin.
- It supplements the moisture and oil content that tends to be lacking with age, giving the skin softness while leading to clear, moisturized skin full of elasticity.
- Formulated with capsules containing plant stem cell-derived ingredients.
- For those seeking moisturizing, firmness, elasticity, luster, texture, skin conditioning, and smoothness.

- 6 additive-free: alcohol, colorant, paraben, synthetic fragrance, mineral oi, and petroleum-based surfactant
- Romantic wood scent (synthetic fragrance not used).

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