Kumano Horse Oil Conditioner 熊野 馬油保濕護髮素 600ml

Kumano Horse Oil Conditioner 熊野 馬油保濕護髮素 600ml

Regular price$8.50


- 10種以上植物性保濕成分,有效清潔、保濕,改善因吹染整燙及年齡增長的脆弱發質,
- 充分發揮馬油的功效,可加速頭髮毛囊的新陳代謝。具有強大的滲透力,能深入髮根並有效保持濕度,長時間滋養秀發。
- 含3種植物性成分,使頭髮生長速度更快,更柔順和有光澤。
- 無矽配方,減少刺激引起的頭皮瘙癢。男女,四季均可使用。
- 功效:滋潤保濕,防脫生髮,改善毛躁,損傷修復
- 適合:乾枯暗啞,毛躁打結,髮尾分叉,發澀發黃等髮質。

A popular product of Japanese hot spring hotels, it contains pure natural horse oil, which is the ultimate moisturizing ingredient. Since ancient times, it has been used by the original residents of Hokkaido as a universal oil for moisturizing, treating skin wounds, and soothing rough and dry cracks. Horse oil is similar to the natural protective oil of the human body, and penetrates The moisturizing power is very strong, so the moisturizing effect of horse oil is extremely high, and it can provide long-lasting and deep moisturizing. The product is formulated with moisturizing ingredients seaweed and pile oil.

- More than 10 kinds of plant-based moisturizing ingredients can effectively clean and moisturize, improve the fragile hair quality caused by dyeing, ironing and aging,
- Give full play to the efficacy of horse oil, which can accelerate the metabolism of hair follicles. With strong penetrating power, it can penetrate deep into the hair root and effectively maintain moisture, nourishing the hair for a long time.
- Contains 3 botanical ingredients to make hair grow faster, softer and shinier.
- Silicone-free formula reduces scalp itchiness caused by irritation. It can be used by both men and women in all seasons.
- Efficacy: moisturizing, anti-hair loss, hair loss improvement, damage repair
- Suitable for: dry and dull, frizzy and knotted, split ends, astringent and yellow hair.

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