Shiseido Tsubaki X Nicolai Bergmann Premium EX Intensive Repair Shampoo & Conditioner Set 資生堂 X Nicolai Bergmann 黑椿 強效修復洗髮護髮特別版套裝
Shiseido Tsubaki X Nicolai Bergmann Premium EX Intensive Repair Shampoo & Conditioner Set 資生堂 X Nicolai Bergmann 黑椿 強效修復洗髮護髮特別版套裝

Shiseido Tsubaki X Nicolai Bergmann Premium EX Intensive Repair Shampoo & Conditioner Set 資生堂 X Nicolai Bergmann 黑椿 強效修復洗髮護髮特別版套裝

Regular price$19.99

與 Nicolai Bergmann 合作創建的專案。

離子修復頭髮的能力。特別是,它將離子成分輸送到受損頭髮的深層,提供根部損傷護理。打造自始至終光滑、有光澤的秀髮。快速、豐富地為頭髮輸送奢華的美容修護成分,在保持水分的同時清潔頭髮的洗髮水套裝,以及讓頭髮滋潤的護理套裝。玫瑰花束和山茶花蜂蜜的舒緩香氣。與花卉藝術家 Nicolai Bergman 合作創作的限量版包裝。 如何使用 [Premium EX 強效修護洗髮精] - 用手固定蓋子,並依箭頭方向轉動噴嘴,將頭部抬起。 (如果沒有出現,請重新擰緊蓋子並再次轉動。)然後,按壓頭部幾次,直到內容物出來。・徹底弄濕頭髮和頭皮,取適量塗抹於整個頭髮,充分起泡,然後徹底沖洗。

Ion repair power for hair. For smooth and glossy hair all the way to the ends.
Project created in collaboration with Nicolai Bergmann.

Ionic repair power for hair. In particular, it delivers ionic ingredients to the deep layers of damaged hair to provide root damage care. For smooth and glossy hair all the way to the ends. A set of a shampoo that delivers luxurious beauty repair ingredients quickly and abundantly to your hair, cleansing it while maintaining moisture, and a treatment that coats your hair with moisture. A soothing scent of rose bouquet and camellia honey. Limited edition package created in collaboration with flower artist Nicolai Bergman. how to use [Premium EX Intensive Repair Shampoo]

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