Minon Amino Moist Smooth & Moist Skin Mask 氨基保濕光滑收毛孔面膜 4pcs
Minon Amino Moist Smooth & Moist Skin Mask 氨基保濕光滑收毛孔面膜 4pcs

Minon Amino Moist Smooth & Moist Skin Mask 氨基保濕光滑收毛孔面膜 4pcs

Regular price $20.80 Sale price$17.52 Save $3.28

- 推薦用於光澤至乾燥、有毛孔的不平衡肌膚的特殊保濕護理。
- 軟化肌膚的同時,集中補充水分和油脂,令肌膚光滑清爽。
- 提供保濕成分,支持皮膚的屏障功能,皮膚往往會失去保水能力。
- 濃稠凝膠美容精華滲透至角質層。
- 獨特配方,濕潤但不粘膩。
- 粘性軟片,纖維刺激較少,適合鼻子和下巴周圍。
- 早上化妝前使用也有效。

- Recommended for special moisturizing care for unbalanced skin that is shiny to dry and has pores.
- While softening the skin, it intensively supplements water and oil, leading to smooth and fresh skin.
- Supply moisturizing ingredients that support the barrier function to the skin, which tends to lose its ability to retain water.
- Thick gel beauty essence penetrates into the stratum corneum.
- A unique formula that is moist but not sticky.
- Adhesive soft sheet with less fiber irritation fits around the nose and chin.
- It is also effective to use before makeup in the morning.

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