Saborino Vitamin A Night Mask 晚安維他命A懶人面膜 (彈潤保濕) 30pcs
Saborino Vitamin A Night Mask 晚安維他命A懶人面膜 (彈潤保濕) 30pcs

Saborino Vitamin A Night Mask 晚安維他命A懶人面膜 (彈潤保濕) 30pcs

Regular price $20.00 Sale price$12.40 Save $7.60

Saborino 晚安面膜 VA 面膜旨在幫助您在第二天早上輕鬆獲得滋養和豐潤的肌膚。 面膜包含以下步驟:爽膚水 + 乳液 + 精華液 + 乳霜 + 晚膜,使用面膜後您的肌膚已完全準備好入睡。

只需敷面膜一分鐘,便可使肌膚水潤、緊緻,令您的皮膚狀況得到改善,細紋也會消失。面膜含有四種不同形式的維生素 A(視黃醇、視黃醇棕櫚酸酯、β-胡蘿蔔素、視黃醇亞麻油酸),並具有淡淡的漿果香味。

The Saborino Good Night Sheet Mask VA is designed to help you achieve nourished and plump skin for the next morning with little effort.  The sheet mask contains the following steps: toner + emulsion + serum + face cream + night mask, so after using the mask your skin is completely ready for a night’s sleep.   

Enjoy hydrated, firmer skin with Saborino’s one-minute masks.  With the help of the mask, your skin’s condition improves and lines fade.  The sheet mask contains vitamin A in four different forms (retinol, retinol palmitate, β-carotene, Retinol linoleic acid) and has a light, berry scent.

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