50 Megumi Hair Color Treatment For Gray Hair 50惠天然海藻頭皮護理護色染髮膏 白髮專用 150g (4 colors/4色)
50 Megumi Hair Color Treatment For Gray Hair 50惠天然海藻頭皮護理護色染髮膏 白髮專用 150g (4 colors/4色)
50 Megumi Hair Color Treatment For Gray Hair 50惠天然海藻頭皮護理護色染髮膏 白髮專用 150g (4 colors/4色)
50 Megumi Hair Color Treatment For Gray Hair 50惠天然海藻頭皮護理護色染髮膏 白髮專用 150g (4 colors/4色)
50 Megumi Hair Color Treatment For Gray Hair 50惠天然海藻頭皮護理護色染髮膏 白髮專用 150g (4 colors/4色)

50 Megumi Hair Color Treatment For Gray Hair 50惠天然海藻頭皮護理護色染髮膏 白髮專用 150g (4 colors/4色)

Regular price$28.32


傳統染髮劑較刺激頭皮,經常使用容易令頭髮變得乾旱無光澤,甚至掉髮增多。日本50惠推出半持久性。天然海藻染髮護髮膏,配方含天然成分,性質溫和,不傷頭皮及髮芯,適合每週使用 。

🌸天然海藻精華 染髮同時養髮 5種天然海藻精華,染髮同時養潤髮絲,達至焗油效果,染後髮絲不乾旱,更柔順有光澤!
🌸溫和配方 不傷頭皮髮芯 不含阿摩尼亞、Paraben、人造色素、矽、SLS化學起泡劑、酒精及氧化染料如苯二胺(PPD)、 氨基苯酚,間氨基苯酚,甲苯二胺等致敏成分 溫和不刺激,不傷頭皮,氣味溫和
🌸全新半持久性染髮 半持久性技術,從髮絲表面上色,染髮成分不會破壞髮芯 一抹自然上色,配方溫和,適合每週使用一次遮蓋新生白髮。初次使用者連續使用3-5次才達至理想染髮效果。
🌸一推即可 無須混合 可供多次使用 簡單方便,一推即染,無須混合 可供全染或補染時使用 質感濃厚不易滴漏
🌸減慢白髮生長 添加無水咖啡因及茯苓,激活髮絲黑色素細胞,減慢白髮生長

1. 在洗髮前的干燥狀態下,取適量塗抹於整個頭髮,讓其充分融合。
* 如果在更換部件的同時多次塗抹,它會染得更漂亮。
* 請不要使用美髮產品。
* 裸手使用時,建議使用乙烯基手套,因為手會變色且難以去除。
2. 保持原樣約 5 到 10 分鐘。5分鐘就可以染好,但是如果很難染或者想多染,請放久一點。
3. 然後沖洗。此時,徹底沖洗,直到沖洗水的顏色消失。然後洗髮水。
4. 用毛巾吸乾頭髮,然後用吹風機徹底吹乾。

Traditional hair dyes are more irritating to the scalp, and frequent use can easily make the hair dry and dull, and even increase hair loss. Japan 50 Megumi launched semi-permanent. Natural seaweed hair dye and hair care cream, the formula contains natural ingredients, mild in nature, not harmful to the scalp and hair core, suitable for weekly use.

🌸Natural Seaweed Essence Dye and nourish hair at the same time 5 kinds of natural seaweed essence, nourish and moisturize hair while dyeing hair to achieve the effect of oil treatment.
🌸Gentle formula does not hurt the scalp Hair core does not contain ammonia, paraben, artificial coloring, silicon, SLS chemical foaming agent, alcohol and oxidation dyes such as phenylenediamine (PPD), aminophenol, m-aminophenol, toluenediamine Allergenic ingredients are mild and non-irritating, do not hurt the scalp, and have a mild smell
🌸New semi-permanent hair dye Semi-permanent technology, coloring from the surface of the hair, hair dyeing ingredients will not damage the hair core One touch of natural coloring, mild formula, suitable for use once a week to cover new gray hair. First-time users need to use it 3-5 times in a row to achieve the ideal hair coloring effect.
🌸One push, no need to mix Can be used multiple times Simple and convenient, one push and dye, no need to mix Can be used for full dyeing or re-dyeing The texture is thick and not easy to drip
🌸Slow down the growth of grey hair Add anhydrous caffeine and poria cocos to activate hair melanocytes and slow down the growth of grey hair

1. In the dry state before shampooing, apply an appropriate amount to the entire hair and let it fully blend.
* If you apply it multiple times while changing parts, it will dye more beautifully.
* Please do not use hair products.
* When using with bare hands, it is recommended to use vinyl gloves as it will become discolored and difficult to remove.
2. Leave it on for about 5 to 10 minutes. It can be dyed in 5 minutes, but if it is difficult to dye or you want to dye more, please leave it longer.
3. Then rinse. At this point, rinse thoroughly until the color of the rinse water disappears. Then shampoo.
4. Towel dry hair, then blow dry thoroughly with a blow dryer.

This product is not included in the flat rate shipping price.

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