Diane Bonheur Blue Jasmine Shampoo 茉莉香氛亮澤修復洗髮露 500ml
Diane Bonheur Blue Jasmine Shampoo 茉莉香氛亮澤修復洗髮露 500ml

Diane Bonheur Blue Jasmine Shampoo 茉莉香氛亮澤修復洗髮露 500ml

Regular price$24.78

DIANE Bonheur 茉莉香氛洗髮露(亮澤修復型),98%天然由來成分,滋潤乾燥受損髮絲,恢復光澤和彈性,柔順蓬鬆秀發,適合所有髮質,尤其是缺乏光澤,彈性髮質。

DIANE Bonheur Jasmine Fragrance Shampoo (Shine Repair Type), 98% natural ingredients, moisturizes dry and damaged hair, restores luster and elasticity, soft and fluffy hair, suitable for all hair types, especially lack of luster, elastic hair quality.

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