Hada Labo Gokujyun Hyaluronic Acid Cream 肌研極潤保濕凝霜 50g

Hada Labo Gokujyun Hyaluronic Acid Cream 肌研極潤保濕凝霜 50g

Regular price$24.34

- 乳霜使用超級透明質酸等保濕成分強效滋潤肌膚,讓您擁有水潤柔嫩的肌膚。

- 不油膩的配方鎖住水分,同時增強皮膚的彈性。

- 奢華厚實的質地使這款保濕霜非常適合夜間使用,但也可用於白天使用,尤其是當您需要額外補水或抵禦環境侵害時。

- 低刺激性、無色、不含香精、礦物油和酒精

- Cream intensely moisturize skin with hydrating ingredients such as super hyaluronic acid to leave you with dewy and supple skin.

- Non-greasy formula locks in moisture while enhancing skin's resilience.

- Luxuriously thick texture makes this moisturizer ideal for nighttime use, but it can also be applied for daytime use, especially when you need extra hydration or protection against environmental aggressors.

- low irritation, colorless, free of fragrance, mineral oil and alcohol

This product is not included in the flat rate shipping price.

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