
O'Naomi Camellia & Ginseng Anti-hair Breakage Shampoo 梨奧美 茶籽人參強韌濃密洗髮露 800ml

Regular price$13.27


- 茶籽功效:控油膩、柔亮秀發、除菌解毒、防頭屑。
- 人參功效:固本培元,加速秀發生長;延緩衰老、減少脫髮及白髮早生。

This product contains precious herbal qualities such as precious tea seeds and ginseng essence. Cooperating with Japan's low-temperature micronization technology, the herb is made into fine particles, the essence is more easily absorbed through the scalp, and the effect is more significant. It can effectively help strengthen hair roots and improve dry split ends.

- Efficacy of tea seed: control oiliness, soften and brighten hair, detoxify and prevent dandruff.
- Efficacy of ginseng: strengthen the root and nourish the vitality, accelerate hair growth; delay aging, reduce hair loss and premature gray hair.

This product is not included in the flat rate shipping price.

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